Tian-Hua Yang’s Academic Homepage

My name is Tian-Hua Yang, and I am currently a second-year graduate student in the Department of Physics at Princeton University. My advisor is Prof. Dima Abanin.

My research interest lies in the theory of many-body quantum dynamics. Broadly, I am interesting in all sorts of interesting phenomena and emergent structure hidden intricatedly in the vast Hilbert space of quantum many-body systems. In specific, I am focusing on (1) the perspective of operator dynamics (i.e., Heisenberg picture), and (2) the role of dissipation, how phenomena in Lindbladian dynamics is related to properties of the underlying Hamiltonian.

I am also interested in applying novel mathematical tools to quantum many-body physics. Two topics I am currently interested in are free probability theory and operator algebra.

My research experience also includes quantum simulations theory and non-Hermitian physics. I am also interested in bridging “non-Hermitian physics” and quantum many-body systems - more specifically, whether, and how, the exotic properties of non-Hermitian marices (non-normal operators) would manifest themselves in quantum dynamical problems with non-unitary evolution.

See a list of my publications on Google Scholar.

Contact me at yangth@princeton.edu.